Author: Jeff Hungerford ( hungerf3 at house dot ofdoom dot com )
License: GPL Roxen Version: Roxen 2.2
Rating: Click for information about
ratings. (Coming Soon!)
delay_sql creates a tag <delaysql> that works in a similar manner to the Roxen <sqlquery> tag, with the difference that <delaysql> passes the query to a background task, for later execution after the page has been sent to the viewer.
An example of how it could be used is <delaysql host='db' query='update counters set visits=visits+1 where id=&;'> to update a counter of pageloads in a database without delaying the returned page.
delay_sql does not use a callout - it submits the query to the Roxen background task queue so that it doesn't block or interfere with anything else on the webserver.
Last updated July 21st 2003. Owned by hungerf3.