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Click on a module name for more detailed information.
Adbanner is an Ad banner rotation module for the Roxen \\\
Challenger web server. It has the following features: \\\
- Random adbanner rotation. \\\
- Daily Ad banner hit count. \\\
- Daily Ad banner reference (\\\"click through\\\") count. \\\
- A \\\"subdirectory\\\" mechanism for having distinctgroups of Ad banners. \\\
- A cheesy web based administration interface.
Microsoft Free Fridays: reject MSIE on Friday.<br>
More information: <a href="http://davenet.userland.com/2001/06/13" >http://davenet.userland.com/2001/06/13</a>
Roxen equivalent to the asis module in Apache. It's purpose is to allow asis
documents created for apache to be served by roxen.